Standards-Based Learning

The Mehlville School District uses standards-based learning and grading in early childhood as well as grades Kindergarten through eighth grade. Mehlville's standards-based grading format includes Meets Expectations (3), Approaching Expectations (2), and Beginning to Learn Expectations (1). If a standard is blank, it means that the standard has not yet been assessed for your student. Parent resources are below which include parent letters, videos, and report card standards and rubrics.

We have three core principles around which we will base all our assessment and grading practices:


Learning Cycle


The purpose of grades is to accurately communicate with parents and students mastery of academic learning standards and provide descriptive feedback that guides students in their learning.

Grades are not tools to punish, judge, compare, or rank students.

We value practice and time spent learning; therefore, students are allowed to redo work and persevere until they get it right, recognizing that it takes some students longer to learn than others.

We will do what is necessary to support all students in their learning.

Appropriate behavior and the development of soft skills is important to the education of our students. As such, we will not allow a student’s immaturity or poor decision making skills to define their academic potential

Work habits and behaviors are reported separately from assessment of learning.


What is standards-based learning and assessment?

Standards-based learning and assessment is a system designed to inform parents about their child’s progress towards achieving specific learning standards. The Mehlville Course Objectives establish high expectations for all students and describe what students should know and be able to do. These objectives serve as the basis for the Mehlville School District curriculum and assessment. 

Where can I find the curriculum?

The entire curriculum can be found on our district website.

Which standards will be on the report card?

The curriculum team selects specific standards for reporting purposes. These standards will be on the report card. The standards can be found at the bottom of this webpage. Each standard will receive a mark based on what the student knows and can do. 

What criteria are teachers looking for when scoring the standards?

To ensure consistency with scoring, each power standard has a rubric that breaks down the standard into specific criteria. All rubrics can be found at the bottom of this webpage.

What scale will teachers use when marking standards?

Teachers will use a 3 level scale when marking standards. Student mastery of a given standard will be indicated by a 3. This indicates that a student can independently and consistently demonstrate mastery of the standard. When a student is approaching mastery, their score is indicated with a 2. They still need additional instruction and/or support or show inconsistency with meeting the standard. When a student is beginning to learn a standard, it is indicated with a 1. They show limited evidence of understanding the standard and/or are not yet able to do the standard. If the standard does not have a score, this means the standard was not assessed during that reporting term. In special circumstances, a mark of IE is used to indicate insufficient evidence if a student has not completed sufficient assessment to determine mastery level.

How often will progress be shared with parents?

Formal report cards will be shared with parents four times a year.  At any time you can contact your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s progress on the standards. 

How will students be assessed?

Teachers will use a variety of assessments to gather evidence on students’ progress towards the standards. They will prioritize the most recent, consistent level of performance when marking a level on the report card. This allows teachers to report students’ current levels of mastery, instead of penalizing them for not knowing something at the beginning of the learning process.

The Mehlville School District strictly prohibits discrimination and harassment against employees, students or others on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or sex including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity and other characteristics protected by law. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: contact Adam Smith at 314-467-5006 or [email protected].