Mehlville Community Garden

Mehlville Community Garden

The Mehlville School District welcomes you to our community garden located at 2920 Lemay Ferry Road. Reserve a plot to work by yourself or invite friends to join in and tend to your garden together.

10'x10' and 10'x20' plots are available to rent for an entire season. Plots will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis. Rules and regulations will apply.

Click here to reserve your garden plot.

2024 Community Garden

Reserve your plot!

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Mehlville Community Garden

Garden Rules and Regulations (a copy of ALL rules and agreements can be requested through Yvonney Hernandez at [email protected]):

1. Your plot is accessible for planting, tending and harvesting from late April through November 1, 2024.  *Exact opening date is pending, as the land will be treated when weather conditions permit.
Plots are assigned on a first come, first serve basis. Yvonney Hernandez will reach out to you when it is time to select your plot. There are a total of six (6) 10'x10' raised beds and ten (10) 10'x20' plots for rent.
The Mehlville School District will provide some mulch (initially) and a water source. The District agrees to maintain the grounds surrounding the garden plots.
4. G
arden hours are dawn to dusk. 
The gardeners may only use the plots assigned to them by the District.
Gardeners may plant vegetables, fruits and flowers. Gardeners may not grow any plants or plant-supporting structures that impede the security of the garden or impede adjacent gardeners' access to sunlight by nature of their height, material or density.
Gardeners are solely responsible for the planning and management of their own plots, including providing their own seeds, plants, fertilizer, and any tools not provided by the Mehlville School District. 
8. Each gardener is responsible for watering his or her own plot, using the hose provided by the School District. Gardeners will not overwater their plants or leave a hose or sprinkler unattended. Excessive water usage may result in an increased cost of plot rental.
9. Gardeners may bring their own tools into the garden to use in their plots, but they cannot store any tools in the garden.  Gardeners are responsible for any damage caused by tools they bring into the garden and should use them with care. Gardeners may not use any power tools, such as those which require gasoline, batteries, or electricity.
10. Gardeners will maintain their plots in a clean and neat fashion, promptly removing any weeds, overgrowth or other waste from their plot. Gardeners will promptly harvest edible plants. Gardeners are responsible for hauling and disposing of their own trash, such as weeds, boxes, trays, bags, packets and similar items.  The Mehlville School District agrees to cut the grass around each plot.
Gardeners will perform an end-of-season clean-up of their plots no later than November 1, 2024.
Gardeners may not abandon their plots. Abandonment means failing to maintain a plot for 2 weeks. If a gardener expects to be away from the garden for more than 2 weeks, but less than 2 months, he or she must inform Gerry Spitznagel at [email protected]. The gardener and the District will then determine an alternative, such as a temporary substitute, acceptable to both. Gardeners who abandon their plots for more than 3 months will lose their plots and not receive a refund.
Gardeners may not keep any personal property on their plots or in the garden when they are not in the garden. If gardeners leave personal property on their plots after the termination of their participation, the District resumes the rights to the property.
Gardeners are expected to be civil, honest and cooperative in dealing with the District, garden neighbors, other gardeners and guests of other gardeners. Gardeners may not enter other plots or use another gardener's tools or supplies or harvest another gardener's produce, without the explicit permission of the other gardener.
15. Gardeners may bring guests, including children, into the garden, provided that they comply with the rules.  Gardeners must supervise any child under the age of 16.  Please refrain from bringing any pets to the garden. Not only can they damage adjacent gardens, the garden is by a busy road.
16. Gardeners may not grow any plants considered illegal under state and federal law. Gardeners must comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws. Gardeners may not carry, use or store firearms in the garden. Gardeners may not smoke or bring alcohol or illegal drugs into the garden. Gardeners may not come into the garden while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Gardeners may not start a bonfire, campfire, burn weeds, use a barbecue grill or cook in the garden. Gardeners may not play music or loud radios (enough to be a nuisance to other gardeners).
17. The garden is for personal, noncommercial use only. Gardeners may not sell any produce or flowers grown in the garden.

For questions regarding the plot itself, surrounding grounds or water supply, please contact Gerry Spitznagel at [email protected] or 314.620.7991.  For questions regarding the reservation of the plot, please contact Yvo Hernandez at [email protected] or 314-467-5137.
The Mehlville School District strictly prohibits discrimination and harassment against employees, students or others on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or sex including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity and other characteristics protected by law. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: contact Adam Smith at 314-467-5006 or [email protected].